Journey Through Science Student Book 5 New Edition(PCTB)

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Journey Through Science Student Book 5 New Edition(PCTB)

Author: DR. C. Usher
Publisher: Paramount Books (PVT) LTD

Journey through Science series has been specially written by experienced science educators, to fully align with the 2020 National Curriculum of Pakistan. This workbook accompanies the textbook and enables students to practice and consolidate what they have learned, and for teachers and parents to monitor progress. These series cover all of the learning Objectives in the curriculum. Teachers can feel confident, therefore, knowing their students will have the best possible opportunity to study the level-specific science concepts thoroughly. Series has a highly visual approach which will spark student’s curiosity, making the subject of science appealing and engaging. The colourful photos and illustrations in the textbook put science into real-life contexts, making it relevant outside of the classroom. Students will be amazed to realize that science is all around them and affects their daily lives in so many ways.



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